This module is for Grades: 9-10 Welcome

In your social studies class, you frequently examine the causes and effects of different historical events. Your teacher may tell you how one event led to another. You may examine a timeline that helps you understand the cause-and-effect relationships between events, or you may use your prior knowledge of earlier events to determine the relationship between later events. You may also use reasoned judgment to determine the relationship between events.

But what should you do when these strategies are not available and you are reading about a new era in history? Having a firm understanding of the cause and effect text structure will assist you in determining if events described in a text have a cause-and-effect relationship. Recognizing a sequence text structure will assist you in placing events in chronological order. By placing events in chronological order you can analyze the "how" and "why" events occurred and determine if earlier events caused later events, or if they simply preceded one another but have no effect on one another.

Module Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Analyze a series of events described in a primary or secondary source to determine their relationship.


an hourglass and a piece of feather on top of handwritten pages of parchments

To examine the causes and effects of different historical events, you may examine a timeline that helps you understand the cause-and-effect relationships between events, or you may use your prior knowledge of earlier events to determine the relationship between later events.

Focus Standard

RH.9-10.3 - Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.


  • Analyze and explain the interrelationships, causal and otherwise, between events in a primary or secondary source.
  • Identify and use knowledge of text organizational structures, such as chronological order, cause/effect, main ideas and details, description, similarities/differences, and problem/solution, to gain meaning.