Text Version

Narrator: Let's review the text example for applying logic: “Alexander III oppressed national groups within Russia. He made the Jews the target of persecution and passed new laws that encouraged prejudice. A wave of pogroms broke out in many parts of Russia. The police and soldiers stood by as Russian citizens looted and destroyed Jewish property.” How can you use logic to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in the text?

(Visual description: the screen starts with the following passage: “Alexander III oppressed national groups within Russia. He made the Jews the target of persecution and passed new laws that encouraged prejudice. A wave of pogroms broke out in many parts of Russia. The police and soldiers stood by as Russian citizens looted and destroyed Jewish property.” Then, the title “Logic” appears on top of the passage.)

Narrator: By reading the entire statement, you can logically conclude that pogroms means organized attacks against Jews.

(Visual description: the title “Logic” disappears, leaving only the passage on the screen.)