Read the following paragraph and determine if it is an example of the author using fact, opinion or reasoned judgment in the text. Select an answer from the options below and click Submit.
Question 1:
The "mill girls" were female factory workers in the textile mills. Their ages ranged from as young as ten years to middle age. The women worked long hours, typically from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. with one-hour breaks for meals. They worked six days a week, with Sunday as a day of rest. Their wages ranged from $3.00 to $3.50 per week.
Go to question 2.
Go to question 2.
Question 2:
The work in the textile factories was hard and dangerous. The women worked around cotton dust and moving machinery parts that could injure them. The long hours standing by the machines were a strain on their legs and backs. Because of the difficulty of the work, most women only worked in the factories for about three years.
Go to question 3.
The women did work twelve-hour days, six days a week and based on this fact, it is reasonable to believe the work was hard.
It is a fact that the women worked in the factories for an average of three years. It is reasonable to believe they left because of the difficult working conditions.
Go to question 3.
Question 3:
The working conditions in the textile factories were terrible. The wages were not high enough to make me want to work there. The hours were too long, the breaks too short, and the rules too strict. These working conditions were almost as bad as slavery in the South.