Question 1 asks you to identify the central idea of the source.
The first three laws related to the punishments for stealing. Another is about being careless when farming, and another about a wife's need for food while a husband is at war. One is about a builder's work, and another about a slave's actions. Finally, the idea of "an eye for an eye" is stated as punishment for serious crimes such as murder.
This final law gives us the central message of the source – that the person who commits a crime is punished with the same or a similar action. Thus, the central idea of the source is that Hammurabi's Code provided a system of laws based on the idea of "an eye for an eye."
Question 2 requires you to select the statement that represents an accurate summary of the source.
A summary of the source is a statement that describes all of the ideas of the source. Since the source you read is about several different areas of Babylonian society, a summary must be a broad, general statement. Therefore, the correct answer was: King Hammurabi created a legal system of consequences and punishments in Babylonian society.
In Question 3, you were asked to choose the statement that does not reflect a summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge and opinions. This summary is based on an opinion, as it shows someone's judgment of how the codes should be used and does not include a fact:
Hummurabi's Codes should be used by modern nations to decrease crime.
The summaries below are based on facts found in Hammurabi's Code, and therefore are not based on prior knowledge or opinions:
• Death was often a punishment in Babylon for breaking Hammurabi's Code.
• King Hammurabi's legal system matched consequences with actions.
• Hammurabi's Code protected people's possessions in ancient Babylon.