Select an answer from the options below and click Submit.
Question 1
What is the meaning of the term distributed as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct! Proceed to question 2.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is D. Proceed to question 2.
Answer:Incorrect. Look at the word parts and try again.
Question 2:
What is the meaning of the term civil war as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct! Proceed to question 3.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is A. Proceed to question 3.
Answer: Incorrect. Use context clues by rereading the preceding sentence and try again.
Question 3:
What is the meaning of the term famine as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct! Proceed to question 4.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is B. Proceed to question 4.
Answer: Incorrect. Look at the sentence that follows the term for context clues and try again.
Question 4:
What is the meaning of the term epidemic as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct! Proceed to question 5.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is C. Proceed to question 5.
Answer: Incorrect. Reread the sentence to look for context clues within the sentence and try again.
Question 5:
What is the meaning of the term chaos as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct! Proceed to question 6.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is D. Proceed to question 6.
Answer: Incorrect. Reread the sentence and use context clues to determine the meaning of the word.
Question 6:
What is the meaning of the term capitalism as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct: capital (individual wealth) + ism (action or practice). Proceed to question 7.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is A.
Answer: Incorrect. Use the word-parts strategy and/or context clues that appear in the following sentence. Try again.
Question 7:
What is the meaning of the term dictator as it used in the text?
Answer: Correct. Dictate (command) + -tor (person). Proceed to question 7.
Answer: Incorrect. The answer is A.
Answer: Incorrect. Use the word-parts strategy to determine the meaning of the word and try again.