The Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty

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  1. The Han government strengthens it power and control over society using a civil service exam for hiring educated officials to positions.
  2. Increased government control and economic success result in population growth, advances in industry and technology, and public service projects.
  3. Tension and warfare in western China and increased taxes result in internal conflict.
  4. Gaozu becomes the first of 30 emperors to rule the Han Dynasty.
  5. After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, the Han defeat the Chu to establish a dynasty starting in 202 B.C.E.
  6. Flooding of important rivers, rebellions and failed reforms lead to the fall of the Han in the third century C.E.
  7. As the government increases control, trade expands to provide goods from the Middle East and create wealth for many Chinese.
  1. Step 1 in the
    Han Dynasty
  1. Step 2 in the
    Han Dynasty
  1. Step 3 in the
    Han Dynasty
  1. Step 4 in the
    Han Dynasty
  1. Step 5 in the
    Han Dynasty
  1. Step 6 in the
    Han Dynasty
  1. Step 7 in the
    Han Dynasty
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