Review It

How did you do on the Try It activity? Would you like to review the strategies again? If so, select one or more of the following links, depending on which strategy you would like to review.

Review context clues:

Context Clues (resource)Opens a new window

Review common root words and affixes:

Common Word Roots (resource)Opens a new window

Let’s continue our study of the Russian Revolution as we determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.

Remember there are two strategies you can use:

1. Context Clues, which include these types:

  • Definitions and examples
  • Synonyms or comparisons
  • Antonyms or contrasts
  • General sense of the text or logical meaning

2. Word Parts

This strategy includes looking for familiar root words, prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of the unfamiliar term or phrase.

Read the following paragraph and determine the meaning of the underlined words.

Despite its many internal problems, Russia pursued a foreign policy that led Russia into military conflicts. Efforts to expand control in the Far East led to a short war with Japan in 1904-5, which ended in humiliating defeat. The Russians entered into World War I in 1914 without realizing the risks. The government and military leaders proved incompetent and the army took heavy losses. These conditions led to the workers overthrowing the Czar in early 1917 during the March Revolution. In November of the same year, the Bolsheviks, a group of revolutionaries under leadership of Lenin seized power with the rallying cry, “Peace, Land, and Bread.”


Check your understanding of the underlined terms.