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The way in which text is organized can help us understand and interpret events in history. Textbooks tell the story of history through events and processes. Textbooks are also usually written for students, and are clearly organized into units, chapters and sections. Primary sources and documents also help us learn a lot about history. Their organization can be based on their audiences, the circumstances during which they are created, or their purpose.

Let’s take a look at three different ways text can be presented. These are not the only ways text is presented. However, understanding these three kinds can help you understand the meaning of text.

  • A text can be organized sequentially. Ideas are listed in a sequence of events that may lead to a culminating event; a set of topics that contribute to a larger idea or a number of steps in meeting a goal.
  • A text can be organized comparatively. Information is compared with other examples or symbolism in order to highlight similar and/or different ideas.
  • A text can present information using the cause-and-effect format. A cause(s) of an event is identified and linked to the resulting effects.