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Two strategies you may use to determine the meaning of unfamiliar terms or phrases are:

  • Context clues, and
  • Word parts – breaking down words to the root word, prefix and suffix.

Context clues

A good way to determine the meaning of unfamiliar terms is to look at the word or phrase in context. The other word(s) or sentence(s) may give you clues to its meaning.

open book with words visible on its pages

A good way to determine the meaning of unfamiliar terms is to look at the word or phrase in context.

Review each strategy below to learn more about how to use context clues. The video beneath each strategy illustrates how signal cues may be used in the text examples given.



Signal cues

Text example


Sometimes a writer will state the meaning of a difficult term within the sentence by providing a definition through rewording or examples.

  • a comma after the word
  • signal words such as:
    also called
    which is
    also known as
    that is
    in other words
    like these
    for instance
    for example
    this other
    such as

During the late 1800s, many Americans came to believe that trusts, or combinations of companies, had too much control over the economy and government.

Watch the video to see how the strategy of Definitions is used.

This video player plays the definitions video.

> Text version for Context Clues: Definitions video



Signal cues

Text example


Sometimes the author will provide synonyms or comparisons to help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Signal words include:

similar to
by comparison
in the same way
as compared with

Similar to earlier populism, the political movement that started with farmers, the progressive movement included middle class city dwellers, writers, teachers and scholars.

Watch the video to see how the strategy of Synonyms is used.

This video player plays the synonyms video.

> Text version for Context Clues: Synonyms video



Signal cues

Text example


The author may use antonyms or contrasts to help you understand the unfamiliar term.

Signal words include:

rather than
in contrast to
on the other hand

The progressives called for government regulation of business rather than the laissez-faire approach that had caused so many social and economic problems.

Watch the video to see how the strategy of Antonyms is used.

This video player plays the antonyms video.

> Text version for Context Clues: Antonyms video



Signal cues

Text example


At times you may need to read several sentences in order to get a general sense of the meaning of the text in order to use logic to determine the meaning of the word.

Logic does not have signal cues that provide context clues.

As the first progressive president, he explained his role as, “It is the duty of the president to act upon the theory he is the steward of the people, and…to assume that he has the legal right to do whatever the needs of the people demand, unless the Constitution or the laws explicitly forbid him to do it.”

Watch the video to see how the strategy of Logic is used.

This video player plays the logic video.

> Text version for Context Clues: Logic video