This module is for Grades: 9-10 Welcome
When you conduct research on a topic, you usually think in terms of using primary and secondary sources. There is another way to categorize types of information. Information can be categorized as being qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative forms of information generally focus on words, images or objects, while quantitative forms involve numbers and statistics. When conducting research to answer a question, you are likely to encounter both types of information.
As a researcher, you will need to be able to integrate both quantitative and qualitative forms of information in order to make connections between ideas and details, and to draw conclusions to answer the question under study.
In this module, you will analyze both quantitative and qualitative forms of information in order to answer compelling questions about voter participation trends.Module Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Integrate quantitative and qualitative sources to make connections between ideas and details in order to draw conclusions.
![a pointer with its hand pointing to the word research](images/content/research.jpg)
A researcher will need to be able to integrate both quantitative and qualitative forms of information in order to make connections between ideas and details, and to draw conclusions to answer the question under study.
Focus Standard
MCCRS Literacy RH.9-10.7 - Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.
- Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative sources on the same topic for connections between and among ideas.
- Compare, contrast, draw conclusions and connect significant details and ideas between and among different media or formats.