Conquer It

In this next activity you will read another passage about the Industrial Revolution. As you read, note the chronological order of the events described and the text structure signal words. After reading the passage, you will answer questions identifying the signal words and the chronological order of events. You will identify which events caused later events to happen and which events simply preceded the later events.

Highlighter Tool Tip

Use the highlighter tool to highlight the text structure signal words. To use the tool, drag your mouse over the word or words you want to select. Once the highlighter appears, click a color and your selected words are now highlighted.

You can download a PDF version of the excerpt, The Industrial Revolution and Other Improvements to highlight on paper.

Read the passage below and answer the questions on sequence of events and relationship between events.

The Industrial Revolution in the textile industry led to other industrial improvements. Rather than relying on a water source for power, alternative sources were developed. By the year 1774, James Watt developed the steam engine as a convenient source of power. Later, Robert Fulton took the steam engine and used it to propel a boat. As a result, the invention of the steamboat improved transportation for shipping goods and passenger transportation. With innovations in the steam engine on wheels, the steam locomotive further improved transportation. In 1825, the first British railroad line was 27 miles long and used to haul coal from the coal mines to a port on the North Sea. The success of this first railroad led to further innovations in the locomotive steam engine and the building of more railroad lines. The building of the railroad lines spurred industrial expansion by providing manufacturers a cheap method of transportation to send their goods to market. The new form of transportation also created new jobs for railroad workers — and since the steam engines were powered by coal, there was an increased demand for miners. The agriculture and fishing industries also benefitted and expanded because they could now reach a larger market for their products.

By the 19th century, the working class gained better working conditions, shorter hours and better wages. The overall result of the Industrial Revolution was increased employment, production of more and cheaper goods, and a general increase in the standard of living. With the improvements in housing and diet, life expectancy also increased.

What cause-and-effect text structure signal words did you see in the passage?

What sequence text structure signal words did you see in the passage?

Next, complete the following drag-and-drop activity, or a multiple choice alternative activity, to place the following events from the passage into chronological order. This will help you analyze the relationship between events. (This alternative activity is provided for students using keyboard only or screen readers.)

Based on your analysis of the text, which earlier event caused later events?

Based on your analysis of the text, which earlier event simply preceded later events but did not cause them?