This module is for Grades: 6-8 Welcome
The history of the world is filled with many examples of tension, conflict and war. Areas such as Europe, Africa and Asia have seen empires and nations expand and societies come into conflict with each other from ancient times to the present day. During and after periods of tension and war, especially in the 20th century, democratic nations have worked together to support independence for new nations, and freedoms and rights for different peoples.
The history of this time period is captured in primary sources of the era. Documents such as charters, speeches and letters are driven by the need to respond to crises, and create peace and progress afterward. The organization of these documents also influences our understanding of the events.
The activities in this module will examine documents related to 20th century war, conflict and peace, and look closely at how the organization of text in primary sources impacts the meaning of the sources.
Module Objective
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Determine the content and meaning of a source using the context and organization of information.

The way a text is organized can help to determine content and meaning.
Focus Standard
RH.6-8.5 - Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally)
- Identify organization of text