Teacher Resources

In this module students examine the differing opinions of Supreme Court justices in several court cases involving student rights.  This self-paced module is aligned to Maryland College and Career Ready Standards for Literacy in Social Studies/ History Frameworks.

This module contains several interactive features. Watch the Learn How to Use this Module tutorial to familiarize yourself with these features.

Module Information

  • Grade band: 9-10
  • Readability level: Lexile Level 1140 - 1340
  • Focus Standard:
    RH.9-10.6  Compare the point of view of two or more authors for how they treat the same or similar topics, including which details they include and emphasize in their respective accounts.
  • Topic: Supreme Court;  Student Rights
  • Completion Time: 10 – 20 minutes
  • Vocabulary: Visit the Glossary page or click on words highlighted within the module for a narrated definition.

Teaching Resources

The following websites can be used to obtain more information about each case referenced in the module.

Plessy v. Ferguson  (1896)

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

How a Dissent Can Presage a Ruling: The Case of Justice Harlan

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)

New Jersey v. T.L.O case

Using This Site

Teachers should preview all websites before introducing the activities to students and adhere to their school system's policy for Internet use. In addition, multimedia on these externally linked sites may not be accessible to all users, such as those individuals requiring a screen reader or using a tablet.

This lesson is built for use on classroom computers and tablets. If you have access to a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or an interactive whiteboard in your classroom, you may complete the lesson in your classroom. Otherwise, you will need to schedule time to use your school's computer lab. For technical specifications, see below.

Some activities on this site may include videos and narration, so you may want to have headphones available for students working at individual stations. For best results in viewing the videos and interactives, you should have a high-speed, stable Internet connection.


This site is an Internet-based activity, and it was built to run on the following computer operating systems and browsers:

  • Windows 7 or Newer: IE 8, 9, 10, 11; Current version of Chrome; Current version of Firefox
  • Mac OS 10.7 or Newer: Current version of Safari
  • iPad2/iOS6 or Newer: Current version of Safari
  • Android 4.0 or Newer: Current version of Android browser
  • Chromebook: Current version of Chrome

Users running Internet Explorer 8 will not be able to use the highlighter tool. Instead, teachers should consider partnering students for a brief discussion.

Visit the Accessibility page for detailed information on the site's accessibility features.