Learn It Part 2

Let us go back to our research question, “What was the impact of World War II on the military and civilian populations of the United States, the Soviet Union and China?”

To fully answer the question about the United States, you need to analyze both qualitative and quantitative information about the entire participation of the United States in the war.

Review the following qualitative and quantitative information to help answer the research question.

The charts linked to above deepen your understanding of the impact of World War II on American civilians by providing data that support the qualitative information. The charts also show the impact of the war into the 21st century.

The final piece of qualitative information to examine is the American casualties during World War II.

With the integration of the qualitative and quantitative forms of information, you are now prepared to answer the part of the research question:

What was the impact of World War II on the military and civilian populations of the United States, the Soviet Union and China?