This module is for Grades: 6-8 Welcome

In Maryland, the crusaders to end slavery included two abolitionists, Frederick Douglass (image is circa 1866) and Harriet Tubman (image is circa 1895).
Image credits: Frederick Douglass by unknown author via Wikimedia CommonsOpens a new window;
Harriet Tubman by unknown author via Wikimedia CommonsOpens a new window
Abolitionists fought to end slavery in the United States. The North called them liberators, while the South called them troublemakers. The crusaders to end slavery included two Marylanders, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman. Each, a former slave who escaped slavery, risked their own safety and freedom to join the fight to end slavery forever. Frederick Douglass fought slavery through his speeches and writings. Harriet Tubman was the “conductor” on the Underground Railroad leading slaves to freedom in the North.
In this module, you will read primary and secondary sources about these famous abolitionists. You will analyze the relationship between the primary and secondary sources.
Module Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source by comparing the information provided in each source.
Focus Standard
RH.6-8.9 – Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.
- Define differences between primary and secondary sources.
- Compare and contrast primary sources against secondary syntheses on the same topic.
- Interpret primary and secondary sources for corroboration between and among ideas.
- Assess the value of both primary and secondary sources on the same topic.