Try It

In this activity, you will read two primary and two secondary sources of information on the Mexican War for independence. As you read, complete the graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the information provided by the four sources. You will note both the similarities and differences in information and treatment of the topic.

Download the following graphic organizer and readings to use in the activity that follows.

Graphic Organizer for Try It

Comparing and Contrasting Primary and Secondary Sources on the Topic of the Mexican War for Independence: Graphic OrganizerOpens a new window

Readings on the Mexican War for Independence

Secondary Source #1: Mexican Independence from SpainOpens a new window

Secondary Source #2: Struggle for Mexican IndependenceOpens a new window

Primary Source #1: The Cry of DoloresOpens a new window

Primary Source #2: "Spirits of Moctezuma… Take Pride"Opens a new window

Complete the graphic organizer using information gathered from the readings. When you have entered all the information into the graphic organizer, select Show Answer to review the accurate responses. Click on the Glossary link for the definitions of bolded terms.

What conclusions can you make about the information presented in the treatment of the primary and secondary sources on the Mexican Revolution?